Tentsile – shelter in the sky

Tentsile is a shelter designed to overcome common obstacles in the environment. Tentsile is a tent that uses tension to become suspended above any surface; thus avoiding flooded areas, rough, rocky or unstable terrain, cold or wet ground, earth tremors and wildlife. The design provides shelter in a variety of circumstances. It could be used […]

UNICEF & user-centered design

UNICEF delivers 60% of the world’s vaccines. However, until recently, the humanitarian organization did not have a way of confirming if their vaccines were reaching the people that truly needed them the most. A lack of real-time feedback was compromising the health of millions. UNICEF is run centrally through the Program Division in New York […]

GiraDora – self-powered washing

The Art Center College of Design’s social impact design department, Designmatters, with the Environmental Design department, led a special educational studio called, Safe Agua Peru with the aim to create designs that help to relieve water poverty. The project efforts were focused on the area of, Cerro Verde, a 30,000-person slum [asentamientos] in Lima, Peru. […]

Eliodomestico – solar purification

There are many products that are designed to help irradiate the problems of water scarcity and purification of water supply. Eliodomestico is one such design, providing safe drinking water through renewable energy. Eliodomestico is an eco-distiller that runs on solar energy. The device can produce clean drinking water from sea or brackish water, through a […]

Earthquake-Proof Table for schools

It is common to teach schoolchildren to take refuge under their desks in the event of an earthquake. However, these structures are not always been designed with the task of protection in mind. The Earthquake-Proof Table is specially designed to function both as a normal school desk and as protective shelter during an earthquake. The […]

BioLite provides warmth and power

There are many things that an individual or a community needs during the aftermath of disaster. Two essential needs are a way to heat water and food and a way to communicate with the outside world. The BioLite stove offers a way to meet both of these needs. BioLite works as both a stove and […]

Fractal Shelter

SLC – Is an architectural research and development project that developed in response to the acute need for shelters – permanent as well as temporary – witnessed worldwide today. The SLC project focuses on developing a highly adaptable, low tech and universal, design, in the construction language of Architecture. Inspired by fractal origami, self-sufficient fractal […]

Marine Drone cleaning our trash

Flooding is considered to be a natural disaster. However, its effects can be made much worse by man-made problems such as drains clogged by trash. The city of Mumbai, close to the Arabian Sea with the Mithi River flowing through it, experienced a horrific flood, thanks in large part to drains clogged with trash and […]

Map of Life

Map of Life is built with the technology of Google Maps. The pilot of the Map of Life website allows users to map the global distribution of almost all 30,000 species of terrestrial vertebrate animals, including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and North American fresh water fish. The platform is meant to inform users about the […]