Fantastic Plastic / Plastic Infographic

In today’s consumer world, plastic is everywhere—from plentiful stores of bottled water to disposable plasticware to the containers that hold our store-bought food. It seems like you can’t go out shopping without running into a good deal of plastic. And while this material is strong, reliable, and undoubtedly useful, we also may have way too […]

empowering people. Award

Low technological solutions or products for basic supply problems in developing and emerging countries – this is what the Siemens Stiftung is looking to identify. The “empowering people. Award” is addressed to individuals, teams, organisations or enterprises fulfilling certain criteria from any region in the world. Solutions entered have to already be in use or […]

Green solar grill

Derek Ham writes over at Barbeque Lovers about a solar-powered grill project he has been working on that uses latent heat storage to both extend cooking times, create hotter temperatures, and reduce the problem of intermittent sun. Based on technology developed by MIT professor David Wilson, the concept is expected to generate cooking temperatures of 450F, and […]

Uganda is up to speed – electric

“The car is ready, the Kiira EV can pick speed very fast, the motor stands strong, the reverse is perfect, it properly climbed a 55 degrees incline, the performance is good” exclaimed Mr Paul Isaac Musasizi, the Project Manager of the Vehicle Design Mission at Makerere University, which has produced Uganda’s first electric car. The vehicle for […]

New Years Wish 2013

So the world survived December 2012 and that is a good thing, … but still too many people suffer from malnutrition, war and crime, exploitation and environmental disasters! …. Let’s make 2013 the “yes we do” year and fight all those man made disasters and make the world a better place. Together we can make […]

Watch sea-level rising

Sea-level rise is occurring much faster than scientists expected – exposing millions more people to a destructive combination of storm surges on top of sea-level rise, scientists said. Earlier this year they found sea-level rise had already doubled the annual risk of historic flooding across a widespread area of the United States. The implications are serious – […]


The SafetyNet is a new trawling system that could help cut down on the catch and subsequent discarding of juvenile and endangered fish. By exploiting fish behavioral habits and physiology the trawl separates different species and ages of fish. The goal is to use SafetyNet devices in conjunction with legislation to help tackle the issues […]

Use Earthquakes to monitor them

No doubt earthquakes have tremendous power – for: break things. It would be much smarter to use the brute forces of nature for something meaningful. This though in mind, a student of the New Zealand Victoria University developed a seismic sensor, which is driven by the force of the earthquake that he just studied and documented. […]

The Design Development of Hexi-House – Phase 2

Since July 2012, father and son team Jim and Chris Rooney have been working on Hexi-House – a new easy-to-assemble and sustainable housing solution designed to be deployed for disaster relief. In September Designs4Disaster featured phase 1 of the design development where the team outlined their core concept for the product and provided some early […]