
Architecture and Vision (AV)

‘WarkaWater2’  is a 12m tall structure that produces potable water from the air. It is conceived for communities in rural areas in Ethiopia which lack access to safe drinking water. The name is inspired from the giant Ethiopian fig tree ‘Warka’ traditionally used for public gatherings. The tower weights around 90kg and consists of 5 […]

Rebuild by Design

Rebuild by Design, an initiative of the Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, addresses structural and environmental vulnerabilities that Hurricane Sandy exposed in communities throughout the region, and develops fundable solutions to better protect residents from future climate events. Because of the enormity of this challenge, the […]

Track Deforestation on Google Maps

Global Forest Watch (GFW) is a dynamic online forest monitoring and alert system that empowers people everywhere to better manage forests. For the first time, Global Forest Watch unites satellite technology, open data, and crowdsourcing to guarantee access to timely and reliable information about forests. GFW is free and follows an open data approach in […]

IKEA program seeks to brighten lives of refugees in UN camps

A two-month campaign to raise funds to provide solar-powered lighting in refugee camps run by the UN has been launched by an international home-furnishings company. The IKEA Foundation will donate just over one US dollar to the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) for every LED light bulb it sells in its stores around the world. The […]

Google Glass to help response and rescue

Firefighter Patrick Jackson developed a software that can push emergency calls to Google Glass and direct responders to its location and nearby hydrants with Google Maps. Currently, he’s working on being able to pull up floor plans and other relevant information about buildings before entry, as well as vehicle diagrams and instructions for aiding in-car rescues. […]

Rescue Tunnel

Air Rope - Inflatable Rescue Tunnel for Flood Situations by Lee Jee Won, Lee Yong Ho, Lee Juan

Air Rope is an inflatable rescue tunnel that can be deployed during flood situations. It is a safer option to the rope pulley system and is easier to use. Instead of braving the torrent and crossing the river to secure a pulley system, the inflatable air walk is used. Air is pumped into a doughnut-shaped […]