Harvest water out of dry

Dutch entrepreneur Pieter Hoff retired from exporting flowers and turned to invention. His invention, Groasis Waterboxx is basically a 20-inch by 10-inch polypropylene box that captures water from the air in order to support the growth of new plants and trees. The inspiration for this box is modeled after the way excrement protects seeds that […]

Wind turbine generates clean water too

Wind turbines are generally utilized to generate clean power derived from wind energy. But there is an innovative concept that entails the usage of wind turbines to indirectly supply and purify water in desert conditions. Contrived by energy company Eole Water, this intriguing yet simplistic technology is already being successfully tested in the arid regions […]

Search and rescue amphibious vehicle “ARGONAUT”

The Argonaut Vehicles are designed to provide the specialized equipment necessary for technical rescue situations such as auto accidents requiring vehicle extrication, building collapses, confined space rescue, rope rescues and swiftwater rescues. The Argonaut helps to rescue people from natural calamities such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes, fires and from any disaster zone with any type of […]

GPS Monitoring System for Big U.S. Earthquakes

The space-based technology that lets GPS-equipped motorists constantly update their precise location will undergo a major test of its ability to rapidly pinpoint the location and magnitude of strong earthquakes across the western United States. Results from the new Real-time Earthquake Analysis for Disaster (READI) Mitigation Network soon could be used to assist prompt disaster […]

All-in-one energy and clean waste water generator

Professor Bruce Logan and his team from Pennsylvania State University have developed technology that treats waste water and generates energy at the same time – two priorities for Middle Eastern municipalities. Combining Reverse Electrodialysis (RED) technology developed in the Netherlands and Norway, which harvests energy where fresh water and sea water meet, with Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) that use organic matter to create an electric current, […]

Recovering Tohoku

After the Tohoku Kanto great earthquake (on March 11, 2011, at 2:46 pm local time), a magnitude 9.0 earthquake (7 shindo on the japanese scale) occurred off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture in Japan. It was followed by a huge tsunami. This earthquake is the strongest ever recorded in japan, and the fourth largest recorded […]

GA.4.Disasters Project

Project Title: GEOSS Architecture for the use of Satellites for Disasters and Risk Assessment (GA.4.Disasters) The purpose of the WGISS GA.4.Disasters project is to address the use of satellites, sensors, models and associated data products to support disaster response and risk assessment. The purpose of the GEOSS architecture is to provide an enterprise perspective for […]

Portable Solar Cooker

The Solar Cooker utilizes solar heat directly to cook foods. Cheng-Tsung has developed the cooker, which looks like a satellite dish, that can harness heat and light from the sun to bake foods in a matter of minutes. Solar Cooker for D.A. IDA 60sec from Feng,Cheng-Tsung on Vimeo. The National Taiwan University of Science & […]

Mobile Hospital

A new hospital typology has been designed by the team of Hord Coplan Macht + Spevco that eliminates the need for a standard hospital. In their design, 58 trailers provide a fully operational, fully mobile 48-bed hospital. The trailers include every aspect of a hospital – from waiting gift shops, to surgical suites with four […]