INEE Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies

Alike the Sphereproject for other sectors, the INEE has formulated minimum standards for education in emergencies which comply and relate to guidelines of Sphere. Facilitating educational activities are an important part of relief work as they provide structure of everyday life, offering the affected population a sense of return to normalcy, of stability, of life […]

Building Letters / Font Aid

Font Aid is a project initiated by the SOTA Society of Typographic Aficionados and by Building Letters, in an effort to contribute to the typographic work of designers and to raise money through sales for victims of disasters and people in need. Building Letters is an annual graphic publication whose profits are donated to charity […]


Phytocorps is an educational project about Phytoremediation with application and impact in Rhode Island, USA, at the site of a chemical accident. In October 2004, youth found large quantities of mercury in an abandoned mercury reclamation area bordering the river’s edge in Pawtucket, Rhode island, which resulted in a community wide evacuation. Investigating the demographics […]

Refugee Wear

Refugee Wear / Body Architecture by Lucy Orta Since the early 90s, British born, France residing, Lucy Orta engages in designing garments for refugees and homeless people that can be transformed into tents as an artistic statement about their situation. Inspiration was evoked by the miserable situation of Kurds fleeing Irak in the early 90s. […]

Together for Girls

Together for Girls – Designers on a Mission The Sportswear company Nike initiated a project in cooperation with the UNHCR and Care to design sportswear for Somalian refugee girls. The project took place in the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya where 140.000 Somalian refugees fled due to the crisis in 1991/92. The population is Muslim, […]