Transition of Shelters – Portable Emergency Shelter

Migratation of refugess are indeed a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a Society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. It affects both physically and mentally. It also causes health and safety issues like spreading of diseases. Food, water and clothing are all non-negotiable but the issue of shelter is always a debate. The current opinion of many government and non-government organizations is to skip the temporary housing phase of recovery and move straight into permanent public infrastructure. A type of temporary housing is adapted and able to arrive at the site of the disaster quickly with the principles of light, air and quality materials. The relief is done in two phases with individual shelter and then later formed into community for psychological recover.

Sabari Probaharans’ proposal is done so that, it will withstand any type of basic climatic factors with adjustable roofs, floors and walls. It is completely portable and factory made and transported to site by any means of transportation and constructed within 2 hours of time. The cluster is formed to get the community participation to improve the psychological aspects of the affected people. The shelter can be made into permanent facilities. the module is changes with respected to walls,roofs and floors.

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One Response to “Transition of Shelters – Portable Emergency Shelter”
  1. Dear Agim Meta
    this is mohammad alizamani from housing foundation of Iran.
    I’m working on redesign of urban parks for using that in emergency situation such as earthquake disaster.
    could you please send me some documents to improve ideas for this purpose?
    Thank you for your cooperation

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