Ushahidi Platform

Source: Ushahidi

  • Imagine a way for people all over the world to tell the story of what was happening to them — or around them — during a disaster or emergency.
  • It would need to be easy to use. Something that almost anybody could do. And it would need to be deployable worldwide.
  • Thatʼs why the Ushahidi (“testimony” in Swahili) Platform was created.
  • Born form the post-election violence in Kenya in 2008, the platform kept Kenyans current on vital information and provided invaluable assistance to those providing relief.
  • Since then, the Ushahidi Platform has grown into a large open-source project impacting a number of communities around the world.
  • It was deployed in the DR Congo to monitor unrest.
  • Al Jazeera used it to track violence in Gaza
  • It was used to help monitor the 2009 Indian Elections.
  • And to help gather reports globally about the recent Swine Flu outbreak.
  • Anybody can contribute information. Whether itʼs a simple text message from a SMS-capable phone, a photo or video from a smartphone, or a report submitted online, Ushahidi can gather information from any device with a digital data connection.
  • After a report is submitted itʼs posted in near real-time to an interactive map that can be viewed on a computer or smartphone.
  • The most powerful feature the platform offers, is the ability to take the core application and deploy it yourself to suit your communityʼs needs. Since the Ushahidi Platform is open-source, anyone can improve the service in anyway they see fit.
  • Our growing community of developers are constantly at work improving Ushahidi to bring it to as many people as possible — including working to bring native applications to todayʼs most popular mobile devices.
  • With the Ushahidi Platform, itʼs easier than ever to get critical and timely information to those that need it most, on a platform that almost everybody can use.
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