Bionik-Network Hessen / VDID start challenge on innonatives

Bionik- Network Hessen and VDID (Verband Deutscher Industrie Designer e.V.) are searching for the most inspiring and visionary ideas on how Biomimetics or Biomimicry can be combined with 3D-Printing to generate more sustainable solutions. These can happen anywhere: in construction of houses or vehicles, in furniture and everyday products design, in medical devices and products for the aging society, or in production machines. Any idea combining the two techniques to create radically more (environmentally, socially and economically) sustainable solutions are welcome.

Bionik-Netzwerk Hessen (Biomimetics Network Hessen) and Association of German Industrial Designers (VDID), are inviting the innonatives Community to present their most brilliant and radical ideas on how both techniques (Biomimetics and 3D-Printing) can be used in combination to generate radical improvements towards environmental, social and economic sustainabiltiy.

The Reward

The 10 best solutions will be identified by an expert jury, by Crowd Voting and as well by Bionik-Network and VDID. They will be presented at the high level expert meeting Biomimetics and 3D-Printing: From Idea to Component! taking place on October 15th, 2015 at the Kegelmann Technik GmbH in Rodgau/ Jügesheim. The winners are going to be invited to this event and will be able to gather feedback and network with the high level expert audience.

The most promising winning solutions can use the innonatives Crowd Funding Module to generate budgets for implementation afterwards.


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