AIDF Asia 2015

AIDF Asia: Aid & Response Summit 2015

AIDF ASIA 2015 Aid & Response Summit 2015

Date: 16-18 June 2015

Venue: United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok


Delivering aid and improving resilience through technological innovations

Gathering 400+ senior representatives and advisors from regional governments, investors, UN agencies, NGOs, research institutes and the private sector, this unique summit looks at how technological innovations and best practice can improve aid and development work in Asia-Pacific, especially with regards to building resilience to disasters and climate change, enabling quicker, safer and better emergency response, and ensuring more effective aid delivery and community engagement.

The summit demonstrates best practice approaches and current initiatives, offering trans-disciplinary discussions with participants from all relevant stakeholder groups. 

1 event 3 timely topics:

Mobile for Development (16 June)
Disaster Risk & Resilience (17 June)
Aid & Response Operations (18 June)

This summit has been designed for senior representatives from regional governments in South East Asia, UN and intergovernmental organizations, investors, academic and technical institutions, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and Non-Government Organizations, community leaders, media and the private sector.

Particularly Directors and Advisers in Development, Humanitarian Response, Operations, Programmes, Infrastructure, Logistics, Procurement, Security & Safety, Partnerships, Financing, Training, IT and Technology, Health, Disaster Resilience, Climate Change Adaptation Science & Technology will benefit from this multi-stream event.

Why attend?

By attending you’ll hear the latest trends in resilience and relief management, discover new innovations and practical solutions, especially around the mobile device, compare your approaches and benefit from first-hand insight from your peers and partners. AIDF will help you to build long lasting partnerships and more effective collaborations. In only three days you will discover new business opportunities, exchange ideas and influence the global debate on improving disaster relief and resilience.

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