Welcome to the design for disaster website

Anyone interested is invited to participate in the content of this website. Contact is possible both directly and via submit.

Readers are encouraged to write comments relating to the articles. Such messages can contain e.g., a designer offering his abilities to aid in the event of a disaster, or an aid organization asking for advice on a specific problem.
If you would like to add a design proposal, an article or any information to the website yourself, the information must be sent to us first, via the contact section. We will read and eventually edit the article and then post it onto the website.
We also gladly accept suggestions for design projects or information that could appear on the site.

Our team reaches out to, designers who offer their ideas, organizations who are interested in gaining from these ideas, companies who want to be involved in moving forward with proposals and anyone interested in information on the topic of design for disaster.

Submit a project

Do you have a project, concept, product or design that you would like design for disaster to publish? Feel free to submit works of your own or works from others (design4disaster will simply link to and summarize the product/idea, further spreading awareness of its existence, design4disaster does not take credit for any of the original designs on the site, any extra collaboration will be negotiated between design4disaster and the original designer).

How to submit:

  1. Go to “Contact”
  2. Choose “Department to Contact”: SUBMIT A PROJECT
  3. Give us a description (max. 300 words) of your work, and / or your website info. We will link your name to your website.
  4. We need minimal 3 images (.jpg), 800×600 resolution (the bigger the better). Only high quality rendered images will be published.
  5. Wait to see your work on our homepage.

We look forward to hearing from you.
The design4disaster Team

One Response to “Welcome to the design for disaster website”
  1. Designer for Disaster says:

    Sehr gut geworden – nun schauen wir mal, wie sich dieser Service entwickelt. Alles Gute!

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